

Susie spent hours collecting and curating resources for her upcoming unit on cells. She is able to successfully use much of what she has found when implementing her plans. The following year, when it is time to begin the unit on cells again, Susie forgets about the resources she curated. She essentially starts from scratch, performing the task of searching, saving, and sorting once again.

What Susie has neglected to do is store her curations in one place.

I have several ways I store curations. One of the best methods I have found is to have a web page where I embed or place links to each set of curated materials.

An example of an embedded curation

For this class, I have added links or URLs in the right side bar for projects I have created or of websites or tools I want to be able to access in the future. The side bar is a type of curation tool. My next step would be to add a link to this blog on my web page. Notice, I said "next step". I should have completed that next step the day this blog was created. However, like Susie, I get busy, run out of time, and then forget. Only when I need that once-created curation will I begin to wonder where I placed it!